Monday, 31 March 2014

Post of the day - small update

The hand in day is approaching and I'm stressing out. My group project is being stalled by our assets artist. As a level designer and assembler I don't know whether to laugh or cry. On one hand I would like to just be able to implement my revised levels (our team decided that each level should last 30 seconds, therefore the previous level concepts were scrapped and replaced by something more fast paced) and I know that even later down the road I'll have even less time, on the other hand I want the opportunity to work on my other projects. 
Currently I'm most invested into my unity project. The text adventure one trough various life stages.

But to be honest I'm losing faith in myself. I'm not good at art and that's why I chose this approach, but could I really show this to any of my future employers?
One way or another in a month it will all be over. And I hope that I could show you all some quality work at that point.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Post of the day - Long time no see!

Hello all, I was sick and now I'm busy with moving. Nonetheless here is the progress that I've made with my project some far. I made a level 1 design for the group project. Then refined it twice. 

The level was already made in unity 3D, however I'll have to remake it in unity 2D soon enough, because my group has decided that it will be easier to work with.

Was quite busy working with my programming unity game as well. Made a prototype that I've shown off at Thursday and I got the greenlight to continue working on it. What's perfectly done for that one? I made girl child life stage, boy child life stage has all the assets that I need and only needs assembling in unity, currently working on backgrounds for the toddler stage (already finished the backgrounds for the baby stage). The game is very simplistic, but still requires a lot of work. I hope that you all are doing good. Hopefully I'll find time to post here more often :)

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Post of the day: razor statement and rip-o-matic

This post is just a small update on what I've been doing.

Spent my weekend doing the Razor Statement and the rip-o-matic for the game. For those that don't know what that is, Razor Statement is supposed to be an information sheet stating what games you looked into and how is your game going to be alike those (or at least I think that's what it is), and the rip-o-matic is an inspiration video for your game.
We have two rip-o-matic videos for our game, because we couldn't decide on the music. You can watch both versions here and here.